Returns and reimbursement

How much time do I have to return my items?
You have 14 days from the delivery to return your items.
To start the procedure you just have to enter your account and fill the return procedure.

Can I change the size of an item?
If you are not satisfied with the size of your product you can ask to change it. Complete the return procedure on your account asking for a substitution.

Can I change an item with something else?
Unfortunately it’s not possible to change a product with another. In this case you should ask for a refund and proceed with a new order.

If I throw away the labels can I return anyway my item?
The presence of labels and tags is compulsory for us to accept a return. Any item retured have to be in perfect condition and ready to be sold again.

It’s the return free?
No. All the costs to ship a return are on the customer. We will pay the shipment to send you the new size if you ask for a substitution.

Which are the terms for a refund?
If you are not satisfied with your purchase you can return the products and ask for a refund. From the day we receive your return we start immediately the procedure and we will finalized it as soon as possible. We inform you that it could take until 30 days to complete it.